How To Differentiate The Job Role of IT Consultant and Software Engineer?

There are very thin line difference between an IT professional and a software engineer. Let’s put it in a way an architecture and a local building constructor worker – the basic job of both of them is to construct a house. But the basic difference comes with their educational background, thus, that impacts on their individual work experience. Similarly, an IT consultant and software engineer may sound similar, yet, their work stations are different.

Specifically, an IT consultant performs the below mentioned roles: -

  • Design Engineering
  • Program Management
  • Project Management

Let’s discuss about the differences or similarities: - 

  • An IT Consultant looks after the technology from the business perspective. They work for a company’s latest technology trends, innovate what kind of systems to be installed, and best practices. Thus, they help clients to make better business experience, helps to achieve business target, meet the customers need. Whereas, a Software engineer takes approval of any technical specification and then implement the same to get things working.
  • An IT Consultant is responsible to add/delete any features from the app specification as per the requirement of target customer/audience, to meet the organizational goal, market competitive study and ROI. In a way, an IT consultant is directly involved with market. On the side, a software engineer is not directly involved with the market performances, rather they are more concerned about implementing the approved features specification within the stipulated time period.
  • The IT consultant uses software for the purpose of security, maintainability, scalability, ease of usage and performance. And a software engineer give priority to write functional code, as a result, security, performance etc, get neglected.
  • An IT consultant is responsible to simulating traffic and thus conduct client/server-side latency and load measurements. This process helps to optimize code by improving data structures, DB schema and algorithms. Whereas, This activity does not comes within the realm of a Software Developer’s role. It takes a lot of additional time, on the top any coding activities of actual features.
  • An IT consultant plays the role of a Project Manager to manage timelines, resources, schedule and project scope. Aside, for a software developer it is difficult to stay updated with the project status, so it is not his/her forte.

A company requires both an IT business consultant and software engineer. As both play their role individually as require.  


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